Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Girls go to Sabbath School

Oh how I appreciate the teachers who are always there to lead out in Sabbath School.  Today it was Kim and Sylvia.  Week after week they are there prepared to lead the little ones to Jesus, His creation, stories, crafts, snacks and oh so much patience.  Thank you teachers.

This morning I enjoy 30 minutes on the tredmill, you really should see where I have it positioned.  Right next to the sliding window which overlooks the lake from my bedroom.  So as I ride I can enjoy the view of ducks, great blue herons and who ever happens to be visiting the lake in action.  I could see the wind rippling over the lake and the wind in the leaf less trees.  At first it was cold but then as I walked my body warmed, the heart rate shot up, the level surface rose with the program up to level 5 which is a small hill.  After 30 minutes I stepped off and headed to the glorious shower where hot water waited.

The scales were kind this morning.  The weight has been gradually changing, down from a recent high of 226 to this morning's reading 219.  Not much but it means I can wear different pants which is encouraging.  So I dressed for church, had a light breakfast and went to pick up the little ladies.  They were dressed in cute little outfits and were finishing up waffles.  We listened to christian station in Stockton which has children's programming at this time of the morning.  The songs are a bit different from when I was little but then we live in a different world now.

Once we arrived it was raining and cold so we hurried into the entryway where warm handshakes waited us.  Kallie had brought her Gorilla from school with her, Keanna disappeared into her class room and we went to greet Kim.  At first Kallie was the only kiddo but soon others came in.  We had a busy program and then suddenly it was over.  Quickly we loaded up in the rain and drove home as both girls had swimming classes to catch up with.

As I snoozed in my chair here at home the phone wakened me and it was Nikki suggesting Red Robin for lunch.  We had a great time and I had my first garden burger without any condiment, just burger, bun, lettuce, tomato.  It was OK and in place of their wonderful Fry's I had a salad.  It was excellent.  Eventually the girls went their way and I went mine.

This evening the lure of Trader Joe's got to me and I had fun shopping for a few things, such a fun store, even the check out girl was engaging.  Then since I was nearby I went to Gratses, a very nice local place in the Streets of Brentwood Mall.  They may the best squash soup and I had it with another side salad.  Delicious.

Now I'm home and ready to crash.  Tomorrow I'll be in Oakland to see a quadruplex at 2:30.  As much as I hate to see properties on Sunday this was the only time that worked out for the client.  Bummer.

Love to all,


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