Friday, August 2, 2013

How interesting?  Well pretty unusual.  I was sitting at my desk this morning doing research when I suddenly discovered that I should have left 30 minutes before to reach San Ramon and the first appointment.  I called and we reschedule for 4 pm.  Then at 10 I left for Oakland and found a very nice little house in a great neighborhood near Piedmont.  Then I drove to Alameda to see a second property.  After I left that home I discovered that the clutch was no longer working on the bug.  Try as I might it would not go into gear.

Eventually in desperation I discovered that if I turned off the key, mashed the gearshift into 2nd and then started the car it would go but there was no clutch action so shifting became very interesting, yes you can shift without a clutch but there is grinding and lurching.  I finished shooting the comps for that property and headed directly to Brentwood, to my VW mechanic, he advised me to try to get there so he could check.  All the way home through traffic that ebbed and flowed I kept shifting without a clutch, using the clutch just did not work, the good Lord kept a whole lot of traffic lights green and at last I made it to Brentwood.  After racing to the bathroom, a desperate move, Freddie jumped in my car, pushed the clutch pedal a few times and found the clutch to be working perfectly and it has worked perfectly ever since that moment.

My San Ramon lady took pit on me and opted for a Monday at 6:00 appointment and since the bug was now driving perfectly I went to see Pat at Borden Junction who was finishing up on the boat.  When I pulled up two guys were trying to get it started but without success.  They worked on it for awhile and finally got it to run by spraying lighter fluid directly and continuously into the carb.  Eventually better fuel got to the carb and it started to run well.  Now I have it home and will put it in the stacks soon where it will be accessible to all of us.  Steve has worked so hard on the boat and has it looking very good now.  I've picked up some new paddles for it, some new floating seat cushions with handles for throwing to someone in the water, required by law.  We'll add the life jackets back into the storage areas, get the horn to blow again, get the second blower to working again and soon be on the water.

This evening after all the excitement of the day and it is very exciting to drive for an hour on the freeway in rush hour traffic without a clutch, we went to Red Robin and had a nice dinner, they gave me a little sundae for my upcoming birthday and the garden burger was free too.  It was nice.

Now I'm about to sit in the spa, I'm really ready to do so.

Hope your Sabbath is special, I might take Kallie to Sabbath School in the morning, we'll see.  This evening they are enjoying the As in Oakland.

Love to all,


PS looking forward to lunch with Bob tomorrow at Marie Calendars in Stockton, he has a coupon, Yes!

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