Monday, June 30, 2014

Good day

Good evening,
This has been a good day and very interesting.  I've produced many appraisals and they are with the lenders now.  While it was very warm outside my office stays cool and comfortable while I work.  Mid day today I had some sort of migraine headache that made what I saw in front of my eyes distorted.  I had to reduce the light and actually close my eyes for awhile until I could work again.  Not fun at all.

I am thankful that orders are still coming in and with the orders some checks as well.  God has been very good to me over the years and continues to be good to me now.  My friend and I both feel that He has led us to each other and we hope that soon we will actually be together for real.  Could be tomorrow and I'm praying very hard that we can join hands.

The weather has been very hot today so I was not sorry that I was not measuring homes in the sun.  For lunch today I used one of the new whole wheat tortillas and melted cheese on it, cut up tomatoes, cucumbers and had a feast.  It was so good and stayed with me pretty well for the whole afternoon.  For breakfast this morning it was oatmeal, double fiber toast with avocado.

My eating habits are so different now, this evening I went to Burger King and had just the vege patty and lettuce and a side salad along with a senior drink.  Great stuff and the weight keeps falling.

Well I'm going to try to get a bit more work done tonight and then head to bed.  With my friend in London I tend to get up very early to spend time with her and sometimes that means 4 or 5 am.  Funny thing is when you care for someone putting your normal routines on hold doesn't seem to matter at all.  You just think about what helps the other person.  I think they call it love.

Well I'll send some love your way tonight,


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