Thursday, January 17, 2013

Long day, winter hangs on, its cold

Good evening
Today I've seen no new properties, just worked on the ones I've already seen and Steve is helping too.

Jessie is feeling better and came back to work today which was great.  She likes the new office manager system and has already figured out some of the tricky parts, leave it to the young, they are good!

I had a good night with no pain that woke me up, the tooth has settled down now and today I've been able to eat some food including a great lunch with Jessie at Red Robin. We were out doing appraisal photos and that gave me a chance to drop the bug off to get an estimate for its repairs, it needs several things done.  Lunch was so good and it was nice to eat with someone instead of always alone.

Today I was able to solve a little financial problem that has bugged me for years.  I have a week at the timeshare called Beach and Ski at the shores of Lake Tahoe.  Its a cute little place and would be a nice hideaway by the lake.  But every year I get sent to collections for the dues but no bills ever come here to pay, so I waste money instead of being able to pay.  I've tried to call them but getting through is impossible.  Nikki brought over a spreadsheet with info about the time shares.  There were phone numbers on it, i used them and reached someone at a place that owns Tahoe Beach and Ski with a different name.  They have been sending the bills to me in an envelope that looks like an add and I've been tossing them because I did not see Beach and Ski name.  So now it is solved and they are considering giving me some break so i can get caught up and be on time and start using my lost weeks.  Oh how I love solved problems.

A few minutes ago I got to talk to Art.  He and his family have been through some rather tough times in the last few weeks and it was just good to hook up and chat again.  Tomorrow he and Connie hit the road for a long delayed winter trip to warm places.

Well its that time, the magic hour when sleep seems more important than anything else.

Love to all,


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