Friday, May 7, 2010

A big day of travel to Costa Rica

Dear Family and Friends,

As I write I'm sitting in a very nice room in San Jose, Costa Rica.  I wish I could report that our trip here was smooth and uneventful but that would be a lie.

It started well this morning, alarm woke me at 6 after going to bed at 2:10 this morning. I fought my way through the fog of deep slumber, hit the shower and went right to the garage.  I was in search of a huge hard sided suitcase that Nan and I lovingly called Big Bertha, not sure why but this time I looked up and there it was on a high shelf.  Knowing the minutes were ticking I managed to get it down without being crushed.  I raced upstairs with it and began to load in all the clean clothes I had just washed, found several pairs of shorts, some light shirts, a dress shirt and tie, dark shoes, the recently tailored suit, the breathing machine, the shave bag.  It all fit easily.  Then I let it ride down the stair chair, grabbed some string cheese and crackers, picked up the computer bad that was already loaded and made an ontime arrival at Wade and Jody's house in Brentwood.  They were ready to go and we quickly loaded up and left.

We arrived with plenty of time at the airport and we used the automated machines to check in, it accepted both our pass ports with no problems.  We found some breakfast which turned out to be very good and boarded our plane for Houston.  The flight was smooth and perfect and I even had a salad.  I enjoyed listening to an Alex Cross book on the IPOD as I sat.

We met other people heading the wedding in Houston, Lee and his wife and two daughters from Marin who are relatives of Ryan, groom and two girls coming from Southern California who are cousins.  Wade was to keep watch over them, keep them safe.

All went well until Wade presented his boarding paper and passport.  I looked back to see he was stopped.  I had noticed his passport was sort of crinkled from going through the wash.  Well in Houston they applied a different standard than in San Francisco and they refused to let him board the plane.  I waited up until the last minute and they did not relent.  They said he would have to stay in Houston until Monday when the passport office would open and then he could continue his flight.  NOT GOOD NEWS.  Wade had all the travel information and knowledge, he has enjoyed three trips to Costa Rica before and knew his way around perfectly.  He had all the contacts with him for the various parts of the trip.  I quickly called Dana who lives in Houston and gave Wade her phone numbers and I am assuming that he with with Dana and Ronnie this weekend.  I certainly hope so.  I felt so sorry for him.  The people refusing to let him board were angry at the SF airport for letting him get that far, they said the passport was missing some important data.

So I am sort of keeping a watchful eye over the two girls, aged 20 and 28.  They are great sensible girls and the other family are terrific.  Once we got through customs here we boarded a van for a $23 trip to the Crown Plaza.  We all fit nicely.  There was a lot of confusion at the desk as our reservations for Wade and me were in his name.  A message had been left for Wade at the front desk informing him that the car which was supposed to be delivered at 9 am in the morning, the one we were to use to drive an hour and a half to our next destination was to be delivered tonight and we had to leave town at 6 in the morning to avoid a huge celebration of a new president for the country.  When I called the rental car company they could find no record of any car that was saved for us.  They said call in the morning at 7:30 and we intend to call the travel agent who is supposed to have everything arranged.

Needless to say once again I am reminded that travel is hard work but still very exciting. I so hope Wade with with family tonight and OK.  The airline said they would get him on the plane on Monday once the passport is cleared up but the wedding is on Monday and he might miss the services.  That would be so very sad.  I kept thinking someone would step up and make a decision to let him go but then the plane doors closed and we taxied out, no Wade.  Such a sinking feeling and all of us on the plane were just in shock.

Right now the biggest decision I have to make is which of the two huge beds I will use for some serious shut eye.

Love to all, I had hoped the digital phone would work here but so far no luck.  So any cell phone call is $1.59 a minute.

Take care,


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