Sunday, May 16, 2010

I'm on a roll finally and enjoying it!

Good evening,
At this point in the evening I'm wrapping up for the day.  I have to be at the kids house at 6:45 in the morning to care for the kidos and get them to the sitter and school at 8:30.  It will be a nice challenge to work with them again.  When Keanna was here for the sleep over she woke up ill.  My house just seems to have too many dog hairs and bad stuff for her.  She has been ill all day yesterday and was still lying low today.  That makes me feel really awful, my house makes her ill.  Its a problem that needs to be addressed.

I woke this morning to a call from Ken, he was up and ready to walk so I jumped up startling the dogs, dressed in shorts and tee shirt and headed out.  I've not enjoyed a walk this much in a long time, not aches and pains, just pleasure at stretching the limbs again.  Once I got home I was feeling so great I looked around to see what I could work on next.  While I was watching a DVR recording of Mentalist from last week I cleaned up the kitchen, unloaded the dishwasher, started a loaf of bread baking, loaded the dishwasher and decided to try to clean the white table I had moved to the kitchen deck, I had some luck with that, its pretty dirty and stained.  Then I fried eggs and made toast of the slim breads that are tasty but have few carbs and had strawberries.  I took time to wash all the berries and move them to a tupperware along with all the grapes we had purchased.  Much easier to grab fruit quickly this way.  As I worked the bread began to gift the whole house a wonderful aroma.  After breakfast I decided it was time to take on the dryer.  For months it has been emitting a horrible squeak on every cycle as it does its work, even the closed door does not mitigate the horrible sounds.  So I pulled it out and with the vacuum at hand began to removed parts, what I found was nothing short of amazing.  Why that dryer had not started a fire I have no idea.  Layers of lint were two inches deep on the back of the drum just above where an open flame provides heat to dry the clothes.  Once I got inside I was sort of lost, enter the Internet.  I put in GE Dryer squeak in the search line and discovered many entries with solutions. One had photos of each step to take to remove the drum and replace the rear bearing, others pointed out the glides that can be damaged in time.  So I removed the drum after removing the front and opening the top.  One of the glides that is supposed to be covered with a Teflon surface was torn into.  So I removed the glides.
This afternoon with dryer parts lining the hall I headed out to do an appraisal in Patterson, a small town that is about an hour down Freeway 5.  This poor little town has been clobbered with the downturn in values.  The little house was perfect and sold for over $300 last time, this time is is in contract for $137,500 and I could not even support that price with closed sales nearby.  Then it was off to Modesto to do a follow up inspection but I found a new padlock on the door so access was denied for today.  A stop at Home Depot failed to produce the parts I needed so I came on home and set about writing the report.  Now its done and I'm heading to bed. 
How long this wave of energy and optimism will last I don't know but I'm going to ride it as far as I can.  I'm very very thankful for the trip and the new perspectives it has given me on life in general.
So I'm sending love to all,

PS a special thanks to Lois and Ray, LeAnn and Ken for keeping an eye out while I was gone.  They did a great job and also a special thanks to Loree and Steve who watched over the office and helped the main computer get back on line.

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