Saturday, October 26, 2013


Good evening,

I've just come from seeing a really exciting and solid movie in 3D IMAX.  I had heard about Sandra Bullock's performance in the movie and she along with George Clooney are just about the only stars to appear.  It is simply a great story, very well filmed, very exciting, has you on the edge of the comfortable seats with space clutter coming right at you because of the 3D and a story line that just keeps being more and more exciting.  I can recommend this movie without reservations.  Its not for kids, just to intense and scary.  They might not want to be astronauts after all.

What I discovered is that the movie theatre which had been constructed and operated as a RAVE operation has been sold to AMC and there have been some changes.  The lines for popcorn were very long, too long really as they had the second refreshment site shut down completely.  but for a decent drink and popcorn it was $8.75, not all that bad of price.

This morning Kallie went to SS and Diane taught the class, I played the piano as well as I could and everyone had a good time and learned the lesson.  Then we went to Dollar Tree, then we drove to Stockton to meet Bob at Marie Callenders for lunch, it was great food as usual and Kallie ate free.  Bob had a coupon so his meal was less too.

We came back to the house so Kallie could play a bit and then I delivered her to her mother.  Late this afternoon I felt so lifeless and lazy that I went out front, started the weed eater and trimmed the yard and weeds, then moved and finally trimmed a volunteer Pampas grass plant that has taken over the sidewalk.  That was when I decided I'd like to see a movie tonight, checked on line, found one and left for a quick run to the Streets of Brentwood, our mall.

It has been such a beautiful day, just the right temperature and a day of rest, family, friends and calm.

My car continues to worry me.  At about 40 mpg there is a shudder in the front end, something is not right and will have to be repaired.  Here we go again with car repairs, never fun to pay for.

Tonight I'm feeling quite good in spite of still coughing and have lots of need to blow my nose. Tomorrow will be a day of work, cranking out reports.  Marilyn is away, the graveside service for Vikki, her beloved sister was today and she will come back either Sunday night or Monday.  Not an easy weekend for her I'm sure.  And the Red Soxs lost tonight so that didn't add to her day at all.

Sending love to all,


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