Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A day of contrasts

Right now I'm writing up an appraisal for a property I inspected in Saint Helena this morning.
Getting there required an early ride on the treadmill and on the road but I arrived on time.  It was raining and the vineyards just looked beautiful everywhere.

The home was about 5,000 sf and had a panoramic view, a huge pool, a guest home and a green house, perfect landscaping and a selling price of 4.2 million.  Highest I've ever appraised.  Had I know the sale price I would have turned this one down.  Then when I had just finished the comps which took another hour as I found every little road the client called to say they would pay another $100 on top of the $505 they were already paying me if they could have it in the morning, not Thursday morning as agreed.  promised of putting me on a special approved appraiser list and the president of the loan company loving me were made.  So here I am writing up this report with fear and trembling. The comps support the price and are within a few miles so I think the outcome will be good.

The contracts came when I inspected a little house in Antioch of less than 1000 feet.  The owners were so sweet but this home could have fit in the living and family rooms of the big house.  Was one owner happier than the other, not really, just moved in different circles obviously.

So I measured in the rain and through the landscaping, not all that fun really.

Suddenly my orders are piled up, guess I'd better settle down and work, I 'm so thankful to have the work.  God is good through all the challenges of life.

Sending love to all


PS Jason says on the facebook account that he got to talk to Jo this morning from Malaysia.  He was jazzed and I don't blame him.  I used to be happy to hear back from Nan when she was just in Texas.

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