Tuesday, March 18, 2014

It was not boring

Having two very bright little girls, 5 and 10 for the past few days has been quite an experience.  While they do not often agree and sometimes even come to blows for the most part they were great.

We had meals in and meals out, the TV was on a lot and Netflix really came through with some good shows.  Keanna decided to make clay yesterday, found a recipe on the ipad and tried it.  I just threw it away, it set up OK but really had an odor.  It was fun to see her measure it out and make it happen.

Amazingly the girls let me work and I got caught up while they were here.  I tried hard to get everything inspected in the days prior to their coming so I had work to do in the office.  That plan worked out great and tomorrow I'm back out inspecting three properties.

I'm so blessed to have this great family and the girls are an important part of the whole family.  They look out for each other most of the time and are very helpful to their Papa.

Nikki and Steve had a good time in Vegas and came home a little richer and probably short on sleep.  Nikki is now officially 40 years old, how her mother would have loved to see the day.

Well I'm growing sleepy now so good night.



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