Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Where did the day go?

Lets see first there was the 3 mile walk in the bitter cold, then there was a very hot shower and then there was 3/4 cup oatmeal, 1 and 1/2 cup water, frozen blueberries, rice milk and a banana.  Talk about a filling breakfast, so good.
Then it was the long commute to the office, about 15 steps with a detour to the stove to add wood to the fire.  Once in the office I sat to work preparing the appraisal for the lovely agent I met yesterday.  I mean she needed the report done quickly after all.  That took until about noon when I turned my attention to reconciling last months business account.  The income in November was remarkable compared to August or September.  I offer my eternal thanks for the work.
Then it was time to prepare for a 3 pm appointment in Pittsburg.  After making a quick deposit to the account I drove to the appointment.  Weather was cold, a few drops of rain were falling but overall not bad enough to put a coat on for.  Once the comps were shot I then turned my attention to getting to Dr. Jim's office to pick up samples I use for diabetes treatments.  Then back into traffic for a late arrival at Weight Watchers.  But the news was good, down 3 pounds!
Now I've just come from having dinner with the girls and Steve.  Nikki has become ill today and could not make it out.  It was fun to eat with the girls and have Steve make things work on the iphone.

Now regarding the iphone so far I think it is junk.  All day today when it rang I had to run to the other room to get a signal and even then the dropped calls were constant.  So this evening I went and purchased a cover for it that is supposed to improve the signal, it keeps ones hands off the antenna.  While I was at the AT&T store they told me stories of many people who have returned their Iphone4s and selected droids or something else.  Apple did not do their homework on this phone.  My last phone was a couple years old but never dropped calls like this.  At this point I don't trust the phone at all and I'm very disappointed in it.  I have 30 days to return it and move to something else and if this keeps up I'll switch.  This is awful.

Steve was able to connect to the app store so I now have the Weight Watchers app working on the phone.  That will be nice to tract the foods I eat during the day.  The three pieces of pizza I had tonight will not help the grand total for the day.

I suppose it is about time to begin Christmas shopping.  I hate to start too early though.

I'm loving the cards that are arriving, its so good to hear from family and friends alike and to catch up with their busy lives.

Good night all,



1 comment:

  1. Hi Tim, as usual I'm way behind on your blog, but loved this post. Definitely don't start your Christmas shopping too early, ha ha! I'm almost done, and thank goodness, because my day job is keeping me wayyyy more busy than I like. Only two days more and then 4 days to spend with my family - Merry Christmas, my friend!

